2016 Splake Hunters

(Left to right) - Dr. O, Flint, Jake le Snake, Brent Giant, Wrong Way and Fast Eddie. Tight Line was busying making his own backyard fishing hole to practice in.

Also missing: Dunk-a-Lew, Spear, Lunch box, Shark Bait, Black Bean, Stinger, Strider and
Laker Larry (RIP)

Get the Fish Batter ready

The white fish didn't have a chance with these two anglers in camp.


Calm waters, boiling with trout.

Stuff of nightmares

Flint tells us about the scary sound he heard from the back of the boat... Wrong Way must of been into the hot sauce again.


Jake le Snake looks as tired as we all felt. One morning we all slept in until 10AM! That never happened before.

Returning to camp

Flint and Wrong Way gliding in for a landing. The looks on their faces tells us immediately how successful their fishing was.

Black flies

Black flies were the only negative on this trip. Bug juice and netting kept them away... sometimes.

Black Fly cloud

If there was any doubt the black flies were in full force... we just needed to look behind us.

Sunset fishing

Golden sunlight, warm breeze, calm waters, a perfect end to a perfect day.

Evening paddle

Uncle and nephew making memories...


Wrong Way likes to start his day with an early morning hand stand in his canoe.
You can imagine how this ended...


Yes, Dr. O did not catch a single fish. He ate his fair share though!

Most Fish Caught award

Jake le Snake and Flint share the "Most Fish Caught" trophy. They competed hard.

2nd place

Second place winner is Fast Eddie! Well Done.... hmmm, is that BASS scent?


The 2016 Splake Hunter Champion
Brent Giant

Healthy food

Wrong Way' famous "Fish Eye Pasta"... it really isn't so bad once you get past the slimy texture.

Positive influence

Whatever happens at camp, stays at camp. Dr.O is always a good example of this.

Passing the torch

Dr. O coaches the young ones.

Catfish stew

Even the catfish were not safe from our experienced anglers.

Sunset attempt

Fast Eddie working the waters near shore. The fish turned on as the sun set.


Jake le Snake and Flint cooperate in winning a prize.


Dr. O is Special.


The fresh air can really make you build up an appetite. 


The new guy tries to give away his traditional NGFHM (New Guy Fish Head Meal). If the Gulls are any indication... there is some juicy meat in there.


After a while the meals got more and more exotic.


After a few days, a non-broken camp chair was hard to find so the cousins needed to share. Nobody looked at Fast Eddie for a reason for all the broken chairs.

Game on!

Flint plans out his strategy for winning a prize.

Well rounded meal

If you think it's butter... you would be wrong.

No time to sprint to the Thunder Box

Some times Wrong Way's cooking has a way of creeping up on you... 


Wrong Way made some delicious pork chops this year. It didn't taste at all like burnt plastic tarp... nope, not at all.

Serious competition

Fast Eddie is on the leader board with this fine trout. Well done!

Dessert time!

Dutch Oven recipes included: Sticky Cinnamon Buns; Monkey Bread and Peach Cobbler.

Bush Fever is no joke

Dr. O was slurring his words, so Wrong Way helped him out with a little dose of Bush Fever serum. Fast Eddie looks on in horror.

Just rippin' it!

Jake le Snake and Flint where both very handy around camp.

Flint in action

Flint shows us who's the boss in the 'Most Fish Caught' category.

Who needs matches?

Jake le Snake shows us all how to start a fire... he's very good at it!

Lucky for the bird... we never ran out of eggs

These eggs were larger than chicken eggs and the nest was close to our camp. 


Wrong Way loves spicy food... good thing he keeps those spices sealed away in steel containers.

Jake le Snake

Jake le Snake had some competition this year for the 'Most Fish Caught' prize.

Lookin' for the goodies

Dr. O rifles through Wrong Way's barrels, looking for hidden treasures.

Looking Guilty

Wrong Way is waiting to see if we notice the damage to the kitchen tarp... tisk tisk


  1. the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.

Crack! Oops!

Fast Eddie sits by the fire wondering why he is breaking every seat he sits in... hope they don't notice the damage. The LOG Fast Eddie... sit on the LOG!

Wrong Way making supper

Yes Wrong Way, I think the Chicken IS done. Here we were thinking the 'banging pots' was a call to come in for supper... it was actually a call for HELP!

Sunday Sunset

This sunset we don't typically see... we usually leave on Sunday. Yes Wrong Way, we are leaving on Monday... so don't take the tree rope down until Monday!

Wrong Way can finally cook!

Wrong Way is slowly getting the hint when it comes to cooking... the meals were actually eatable this year. Good work Wrong Way!

Fast water catch

The Brent Giant strikes again with a tasty addition to the menu. This one was caught using some daring techniques and a whole lot of luck.

Smooth as Glass

Heading back from the Pork Barrel. This year the weather was easy on the Splake Hunters. The fish were biting, but a slight breeze might have improved our chances.

Secret Honey Hole Catch

Since Tight Line was absent this year, it was up to the Brent Giant to teach Fast Eddie how to fish. This Brookie was lesson #1, caught by the Brent Giant. He can lead them to the fishing hole and show them where to cast... that is all he can do people!

The Doctor is in... but barely

Dr. O shows our newest member "Flint" how to load a canoe for fair weather camping.
WARNING: This amount of Gear can be fatal!